The Bar.

From its humble perch at the corner of Mariannenstraße and Paul-Linke Ufer in Kreuzberg, Das Hotel Bar shimmered and sparkled for thirteen long years. A beacon of light for the cocktail lover and the musically inclined, Das Hotel became a home away from home for the many who recognized her singular charms. In addition to the vibrant community that united around the bar, Das Hotel likewise provided a sanctuary for up-and-coming artists in the Berlin music scene. From the battered but lovely piano in the bar to the intimate yet open stage of the club, Das Hotel had the honor to put on more than 3000 concerts—and this not including the innumerable, informal busking sessions that have taken place over the years. 

The Dream.

As enchanting and extraordinary as Das Hotel’s history has been, the nights were often long and dark.  And it was during one of those long and lonely nights that we began to dream about how we could safeguard the bar's unique cultural heritage while excising some of the more negative elements. What would happen, we thought, if we inverted the  Das Hotel concept and placed the creative arts at the forefront? We imagined a space that would serve as a platform for imagination and free expression, a hub for creative exchange, and most importantly, a home for Berlin’s dynamic artists and musicians. And thus Das Hotel Radio was born. 

The Radio.

Located in the historic Berliner Union Film lot in Tempelhof, Das Hotel Radio has managed to preserve the unparalleled spirit of the bar. However, Das Hotel Radio is more than just a physical space; it's an atmosphere for the spontaneous experience, a vehicle for the intimacy and magic of live performance, and a home for Berlin’s unique cultural heritage. And we want to share that magic! Filmed in seasonal rhythms, Das Hotel Radio presents a series of concerts and live performances featuring Berlin artists, which we record and share with the rest of the world. Our primary aim is to safeguard the city’s creative arts and, in so doing, keep the ever-evolving heart of Berlin’s cultural scene alive and well.
